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We invite everyone to worship with us in-person or online.

8:30am Traditional service
9:30am Contemporary service
11:00am Traditional service

Worship services are live streamed on Facebook and YouTube Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:00.

We ask everyone in attendance to let us know by filling out an event card at www.gbumc.life

Our Core Values


Worship is the action of the human spirit being alive in Jesus.


Learning assists the mind and heart to come alive and grow in Jesus.


Fellowship keeps the love of Jesus alive and growing through gathering together.


Mission calls us to serve one another so that the world will know that Jesus is alive.

Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible is God’s word and through it, God reveals Himself to us, showing his character, and His will. Though written by man, the Bible is inspired by God and is without error. The Bible is our source of truth and guides us in our beliefs and lifestyle. It leads us to love God and others.  

We Believe in the Holy Trinity, that God exists in three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are equal in power and are one God.

We believe that salvation is a gift from God. We have not earned salvation, nor can we prove ourselves to be “good enough” through our actions to receive God’s approval. We are saved by grace through faith , and Jesus has paid the penalty of sin through his sacrifice on the cross.  

We believe that God is the sovereign Creator. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus lived a sinless life in human form and offered himself as a sacrifice for humanity. He died on the cross and arose from the dead on the third day, revealing his power over sin and death. He then ascended to heaven where he resides with God the father until his return.