Contemporary Music Ministry

Children's Ministry

Sunday Opportunities:

Sunday: Traditional Worship Service with Children's Moment 8:30 am
Children's Moment during 8:30 am worship service--children stay to worship with their family in the Sanctuary.

Sunday: Contemporary Worship Service with Sunday School 9:30 am
Children's programming at 9:30 am (Children's Worship & Sunday School)

Sunday: Traditional Worship Service with Children's Church 11:00
Following the Children's Moment at the 11:00 service, children will be walked to Children's Church in Rm. 136.

Sunday: Nursery 8:30-12:00 pm
Our Nursery serves children ages 6 weeks - 3 years at all three services in Rm. 107.

Youth Ministry

Jackson Sanderlin
Director of Youth

Weekly Events

9:30 Contemporary Service on Sundays.
Come sit with the youth group!

The Tailgate:
Sundays from 5:45-6:30 pm in the GBUMC Parking Lot.
(Nearest to Great Bridge Middle School)

Sunday Night Live (SNL):
Join us from 6:30-7:15 pm in the Social Hall.

Life Groups:
 Sunday mornings at 11:00am in the Youth Room!

GBUMC Agape Food Pantry- Students are invited to serve in our Food Pantry on Friday afternoons from 3:00-6:00pm.


Great Bridge UMC Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Journey Weekend:
March 11-13
Rockbridge Alum Spring, Goshen, VA.
Cost: $155 (middle school students)
Deposit: $75 Reserves your spot on the trip

Adult Ministries

Liz Simmons
Administrative Assistant

Sunday School Groups

Good News Sunday School Class (Hybrid):
Meeting Sundays at 9:30 am in Room 110 and via Zoom
Topic: “The Chosen Bible Study”
Hosts: Ed & Denise Carbaugh,

Encouragers Sunday School Class (Hybrid):
Meeting Sundays at 9:30 am in Room 112 and via Zoom
Topic: A ten week study of Mark
Hosts: Janet Grubbs & Larry Vesey contact Larry for the meeting code

Shookseekers Sunday School Class (Hybrid):
Meeting Sundays at 9:30 am in Room 132 and via Zoom
Topic: Book of John
Host: Jim Cyphers contact Jim for the meeting code

Christian Fellowship Sunday School Class:
Meeting every Sunday at 9:30 am in Room 111
Studies a variety of topics focusing on spiritual disciplines and the Bible.
Host: Laura Jane Wright

United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Here at Great Bridge United Methodist we have four circles:

Circle of Love:
The Circle of Love meets the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact

Friendship Circle:
The Friendship Circle meets the first Monday of the month at 10:30 am.For more information, contact

Circle of Grace:
The Circle of Grace meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.For more information, contact

Circle of Faith:
The Circle of Faith meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact

United Methodist Men

The UMM meet every Tuesday at 6:00pm for Bible Study. All men are invited.
For more information, contact Jim Cyphers:

Current Bible Studies


Join our Director of Visitation Paula Bass on Tuesdays at noon in the Sanctuary as we read through Jonah together. Just bring your Bible and an open heart and mind for study!

The Psalms (Hybrid):

Bible Study by Dr. Brian Russell
Join Dr. Randall Ball for a Bible study through the book of Psalms. Weekly meetings will take place on Zoom or in the conference room on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact:

Better Together Groups

Harris Group:
Meeting Thursdays at 6:30 pm both in-person and via Zoom. Studying Sermon Notes. Please contact Cindy for more information

Greenbrier Group:
Meeting Fridays at 7:00 pm to study Sermon Notes. Contact Linda for more information

Deep Dish:
The Better Together Small Group-Deep Dish meets every Tuesday @12:30 at GBUMC and via Zoom.  We discuss and "deep dish" about the previous Sunday's Scripture and Sermon.  Please contact Ed and Denise Carbaugh for location and Zoom Information-

Small Bites:
Currently meeting on Mondays from 7:15-8:30 pm. Topic: Sermon Notes
Anyone interested is welcome to join! 
For more information, contact Karen Davis:

Women's Small Group:
Meets at 10:00 am on Thursdays. A place to wrestle with faith and life using the scripture lessons and sermons as our focus. Contact Laura Jane Wright for more information at

Young Adults:
The Young Adult Group is a place for young adults and young families (ages 18-35) to come together and fellowship. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm. We discuss how our day-to-day lives are going, and discuss the Sermon Notes from Sunday. In addition, we plan monthly game nights and social outings with the group. For more information, contact Justin Carpenter:

Mike Oberdorfer
Director of Contemporary Worship and Arts

Worship Band
Our Contemporary Worship Band leads the 9:30 service in worship each week.
Rehearsals are Thursday evenings in our social hall, The Gathering Place.
If you are interested in sharing your gifts with us on Sundays please contact Mike O..

Production Team

Our Production Team is responsible for running sound, running slides on ProPresenter, operating the cameras,
and working with our streaming software VMIX.
If you are interested in learning more about serving with the production team please contact Mike O..